Tuesday 23 April 2013

Blair Farms Kendrick Idaho.

I have been home for a couple of weeks now and have just gotten around to update my travels, the reason it has taken me a while to get hear is that I have been writing my Nuffield Report, I am getting through it I have a lot of information and ideas so fingers crossed it will all make sense. my last stop on my travels was with Robert Blair an Eisenhower Fellow who I met when we were in the U.K last year,he was awarded 2009 international precision farmer of the year, and is a pioneer in U.A.V (unmanned aerial vehicles) for there use in remote sensing for agricultural applications. Robert farms 1400 acres , and grows winter wheat, lentils ,chickpeas, spring wheat,field peas and lucerne, as well having a few head of cattle.He also minimum tills and farms in one of the most unique places in the world the "pa loose" which is a series of undulating hills and canyons, when he jokes about faring three sides of an acre it is easy to see why .His combine is fitted with what is locally called a "hillside" front modification that basically allows the header front and the front axle of the combine to stay parallel to the ground but allows the body of the machine to tilt to remain horizontal, pretty cool to see.the beauty of the way Robert farms is that he constantly rotating crops on his fields, it is amazing to me to see farms on what I would consider hills here at home, some of his soils are up to a meter deep. A truly amazing landscape.

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