Monday 3 September 2012

Cane is planted .

We got finished planting last Monday and have irrigated to ensure enough moisture is available for good germination.It was good to see all our design work with the paddock grades and levels for the recycle pit, have all worked out great. The advantage of capturing the tail water will be had year on year and is already evident with this first irrigation, because the pit was empty we used water from the irrigation system for the first three days ,and then we have been able to close those valves and water with the recycled water.Probably doesn't sound like that much of a big deal but we have been planning this for more then 10 years, and to finally see it all work is a big achievement, as I was travelling with my scholarship, water was always a top priority and to have a more secure source is like money in the bank. It has only been a week and some cane shoots are starting to emerge I will add more photo's when the cane has emerged more.

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